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  • Durability

    Our LED lights, both SecurityLights and GrowLights have a expected lifetime of over 50.000 hrs. Our warranty is what sets us apart from the rest.

  • Lightcocktail®

    You - the grower - are the expert in your greenhouse, we can create the LightCocktail for you to produce and help boost your crop yield.

  • Low energy costs

    By using LED lighting you can reduce energy consumption by a whopping 70-90% (compared to HID-lamps)


GrowLightsThe Ropavision GrowLight, tailor-made for your special need as a grower, are known for their durability and flexibility. We translate your need as a grower into a cost-effective and crop yields boosting GrowLight. Our GrowLight! The RopaVision GrowLight provides you with more than just a greenhouse light.

GrowLights >

SecurityLightsRopaVision LED illuminators are known for their superior performance and durability. Not only providing you with customer service and support, RopaVision's experts will provide you with the technical know-how to create the optimum lighting solution.

SecurityLights >


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          Protonenlaan 22
        5405 NE Uden

   T +31 413 26 00 67
 F +31 413 26 09 38